Privacy & Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy

Smart Nurse CPD is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal information. The information will be collected with your consent and if you prefer not to provide this information, we may decline to accept your registration. It will not be possible to access our courses as an anonymous person.

Smart Nurse CPD assumes that you will provide a complete, accurate and up to date information at all times.

Collection of Information

The information which will be collected will include:

  1. Full names
  2. Address
  3. Telephone number
  4. Email address and password
  5. Credit card details for billing purposes (where applicable)

Smart Nurse CPD will not disclose any personal information to a third party unless where deemed by law to do so.

Use of cookies

Smart Nurse CPD use cookies to track the activity on our site and store information. Cookies are small pieces of information websites store on your computer. Cookies only contain bits of text such as user ID or any other text. If you decline to the use of Cookies you may not be
able to access some of our information.